Journal Review (Checklist)

Journal Review Paper CHECKLIST




Clear title to assert the review


Initial Review: 2-page double-spaced paper (with MLA documentation) that analyzes the audience, goals, history, and editorial vision of the journal while using direct examples from specific articles in making claims about the expectations for articles in the journal and the contributions of the journal to society and the world.

Final Version: 3–4-page double-spaced paper (with MLA documentation) that provides deeper insights into the journal as it analyzes the audience, goals, history, and editorial vision of the journal.  This version will actively use ICE Blocks while using examples from specific articles in making claims about the expectations for articles in the journal and the contributions of the journal to society and the world. It will include the “So What” aspect that was defined during the presentation, and it will strive to create a well-rounded review of exactly what the journal is and isn’t.


Summarizes what is in the journal


Analyzes the kind(s) of work the journal does


Includes information about the expected audience for the journal: who reads the journal and why


Includes the goals of the journal: what does the journal expect to provide to the public or audience


Includes the history of the journal: how it started, why, and the changes it has gone through


Clearly identifies the editorial vision for the journal and who manages/adapts this vision over time


Identifies the research methods and standards for research in the journal


Identifies the intertextuality within the journal: the relationship between texts referenced within it and what other resources reference the journal to support their findings


The body content of the Journal Review makes claims about various aspects of the journal.


Identifies why the journal is important in a given field or to a specific group


Shows first-hand knowledge of the journal and its contents


Used at least two issues from the journal to create the review


Intertwined at least two examples from the journal issues to defend the review


Proper use of ICE Blocks in each body paragraph


Makes reasonable claims and interpretations based on specific evidence


Organized according to the requirements


Professionally drafted


Works Cited section



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