Blog Post Checklist (Before Publication)

Blog Post Requirements

Be sure to revisit the 10 Things to Include in a Blog Post handout in conjunction with the content below to check the status of your content before publishing it.





2-4-page blog post (arranged to look like a blog)


Catchy title (with one searchable keyword)


Specialized headline items: author name, published date, etc.


Interactive sharables section (email, print, FB, tweet, subscribe, etc.)


Short paragraphs (300 or less words)


Shorter sentences (no compound-complex sentences)


Clear topic (point of blog post) stated in introduction


At least 3 paragraph sections: introduction, body, and conclusion (not labeled as introduction, body, and conclusion)


One image connected to the introduction with proper label and source citation


At least one tweetable quote section (tweetable quote/sound bite)


Good use of font style, size, and color (consistent choices)


Transition words to link ideas within paragraph and between paragraphs.


1-2 high-resolution images (in body with proper label and source citation)


2+ multimedia items: imagery, illustration, alternative learning images, video, audio, and interactive content.


Clear CTA in conclusion with interactives


Comments Prompt (Get the Audience to Participate)


Works Cited section

Multimedia Options

Multimedia forms that can be added to blog posts (some required / some optional):

Imagery: One of the easiest ways to add multimedia to your blogs is to find a few arresting photographs that accurately capture whatever it is you’re writing about. Images can go a long way toward bringing your story to life and making the reader feel truly engaged. Do not add random pictures. Make every addition count. 2+ high-resolution images required in a blog post.

Illustration: Similar to images, illustrations are a good way to add life to your blog posts. They stand out, however, in that they use more shapes, cartoons, colors, and designs that really give your blogs a creative and fun edge. Illustrations don’t work for every blog topic, but for those that do, they can really set your piece apart. Optional.

Alternative Learning Images: Charts, line graphs, bullet-point content, and other forms of content in alternative formats help a reader stay engaged and learn more about your ideas through the visual representation of the issue you are discussing. Do not add random pictures. Make every addition count. 1+ Required.

Video: Videos do a lot of the storytelling for you. If you can’t find the right video online, creating one yourself is a great way to add a customized piece of video content to support your blog. With the right script, speaker, and use of graphics, videos will enhance your story and encourage the target audience to stay engaged with your page. Optional.

Audio: Audio is fast becoming the way of the future when it comes to reading, and a few savvy marketers are beginning to incorporate audio technology into their blogs. Creating an audio version of your blog posts makes it that much easier for readers to consume your content while doing other things. Optional.

Interactive content: Embedding interactive content (think polls, quizzes, and interactive maps) within your blogs is one of the most effective ways to boost engagement with your piece. Interactive content can help provide additional information while at the same time making readers feel like a part of the experience. 1+ Required.

Sharing (transitional) content: links to articles that relate to your topic (embedded as links in your writing), references to other blogs that have a post about the same content, subscribe, and Twitter, FB, email, and print buttons (to get the audience to share/use the post). Required.

So!  What is your favorite part of a blog post?  What captures your attention the most?  What do you interact with most on a blog page? Let me know by posting a comment below.

Multimedia descriptions adapted from

Haverty, Dan. “How to Structure a Blog Post - Must-Have Elements for Success.” Brafton, 23 Nov. 2021, 


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